domingo, 14 de febrero de 2010

2010 What a year!

Ok, I think we all agree 2009 was a very tough year for everybody, and now when is finally over we may be seduced by the temptation to keep ourselves in a oh dear I am so tired and we are barely three years away from doomsday mood. Well…. Shape up!

I have great news! 2010 is going to be an extraordinary year for us in the IT business.

Please allow me to elaborate. We are in the middle of a super sized Godzilla movie, with monsters of all kinds battling fiercely for Tokyo domination. But wait!, let us zoom in to a few interesting battlefields to see who is going to rule the Matrix.

Gaming: I expect a major showdown between Nintendo Wii and Microsoft’s Project natal, you don’t know what am I talking about?, buckle up and check out this video I don’t want to spoil the surprise just let me add that this is Microsoft’s response to the problem of an overly complex control that the Xbox 360 currently has, and which has prevented non-hard core gamers to use the console.

Mobile: Apple’s iPhone is really cool and even when it’s getting more and more competition it still dominates the market with style and tons of applications. But the buzz is internet on the phone! This is the year it is finally happening on a mass level, opening the window to thousands of new applications; not only for the consumer but also for professional and enterprise applications and I bet we will be building many of them.

Of course there is also the Google’s Android factor as a powerful force driving the phone market and making Linux more pervasive on the way. Windows mobile 7? They are as good as dead and I just want to know when Silverlight for mobile will be released, preferably for the iPhone.

New Gadgets:

1. Ebook Readers: Amazon’s Kindle its revolutionizing an industry by making bookstores obsolete, and saving some trees on the process. In this rather new market the Kindle faces some tough competition. Personally I like Nook from Barnes and Noble best because of its color screen but Kindle sells books pretty much worldwide and that is going to be tough to beat.

2. Notebooks: These tiny cheap computers are going to be part of many students arsenal and will lower the digital divide (at least I hope so) creating a computer savvy young generation. Also this year we will see the birth of Chrome OS, a new Linux based operating system designed to run on notebooks and run applications and store data on the web, a sort of a browser only computer. This is a big bet from Google against Microsoft which in my personal opinion is going to fail to deliver the expected results.

3. Tablet PC: This concept has been pushed without success by Microsoft, Intel and others and has been cornered to niche applications, but this is the year is going to take off for good. Everybody is expecting Apple to release iSlate this month (shouldn’t they rebrand the company as iApple?) and surely Mac lovers are going to…. well, love it. But my money is on Microsoft’s Courier

I want it so bad!, do you imagine the applications we can build for this thing?

The Cloud: This year we will see a definitive move on SOA (service oriented architecture) and many companies of different sizes will start testing this new concept of deploying their applications to a cloud of servers from a provider instead of their usual data centers. Big monsters are fighting here since it seems to be the next big wave, I don’t want to bored you with the details but the names of Microsoft, IBM, Cisco, Amazon, Google have built big data centers around the globe and I believe many of our customers soon will be talking to us on clouditize their applications.

This post has just grown too big and I haven’t even started to talk about development and there are so many new shiny things on .NET: Silverlight, RIA Services, Entity Framework, etc, etc,etc.

So it looks we have an exciting year ahead! Are you reeeady to ruuuumble?

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009

True Rhino

Todos todos los días voy a trabajar a sofftek por y no sólo me la paso sentado en frente de una computadora sino que además gran parte de las conversaciones están relacionadas con cuestiones tecnológicas. A veces hablamos de cosas fundamentales como arquitectura de software,  patrones de diseño, también novedades tecnológicas de todo tipo, la economía del industria del software y muchas veces sobre nuestra visión de futuro de la industria. Este blog presenta mi visión de todas estas cosas.

Siendo éste un blog de tecnología me pareció apropiado iniciarlo con una herramienta nueva. Estoy probando el reconocimiento de voz integrado en windows 7. Les informó que estar batallando un poco pero también ese justo reconocer que mi micrófono es bastante malo. Además de que esta es la primera selección y todavía necesita entrenamiento. Voy a intentar escribir a este blog con la menor ayuda del teclado, aunque entonces ya no es escribir righ?